Trump is Making America Worse

“Make America Great Again.” That was the slogan that became the brand associated with Donald Trump in his campaign for the Presidency in 2016. But once he was in charge, America became worse, much worse. Now, in his words, he wants to “Keep America Great.” He doesn’t say great for whom, of course, but certainly… More


Racism White supremacists are people who cling to the unfounded, self-admiring belief that being white makes them superior to every other human being. And that logic leads them to conclude they should have power over everyone else, their inferiors.   All white supremacists are, by definition, racists. Being white-skinned has become membership in the white… More

Real Americans

The Faux Americans Donald Trump has given hate groups license to unabashedly reveal their hatred of everyone different from them—the Others. White supremacists and their nationalist, Neo-Nazi and alt-right allies have taken advantage of their newfound legitimacy. They publicly and proudly proclaim they are the Real Americans. The rest of us, with our different skin… More

Inspiration for Hatred, Racism and Antisemitism

Trump—An Inspiration for Hatred Long before Donald Trump occupied the Oval Office, he was an inspiration for hatred and racism. Initially, his targets were people of color; then Mexicans, then Muslims. Being an equal opportunity racist, the President has added antisemitism to his arsenal. Now everyone among his base of white supremacist and Neo Nazi… More

I love our country. Do you?

The Criminal in the White House I love our country but something terrible is happening here. And it’s hard for me to believe we, the majority of Americans, like it. No matter our political leanings, we did not vote to put a criminal in the White House, nor do we now approve of the one… More

Trump, Lackeys and the White Rose

Republican Lackeys and the White Rose Lackeys are persons who show servile obedience or deference toward someone else without questioning them. Republican Lackeys supporting our crude, racist, uninformed, misogynistic President are creating a precarious situation for the United States. “Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed, without opposition,… More

National Security—an Emergency?

The National Security Emergency For 35 days the President of the United States forced a shutdown of the Federal Government. He made 800,000 government employees miss two paychecks and federal contractors lose that many days of pay. He created financial hardship for them and the thousands of small businesses that depend upon them for their… More

Isolationism — Prelude to World Wars

The Policy of Isolationism Isolationism is a policy whereby a country separates itself from treaties, agreements and other international political and economic relations. It does so to utilize its resources and concentrate its efforts to advance its own interests. Isolationists believe that this practice keeps them out of foreign wars. Sadly, history has proven the… More

Truth, Facts and Life — Casualties of Vitriolic Partisanship

Vitriolic Partisanship Donald Trump declared his candidacy for president in 2015 with vitriolic partisanship. Since then, the words truth and fact have taken on new meaning. Truth once meant that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Fact once meant something that actually exists; reality; truth. The words were virtually interchangeable, but… More

The Black Klansman and Today’s Racism

The Movie Last week I was asked to join friends to see Spike Lee’s movie, The Black Klansman. Though I knew little about the movie, I did want to spend time with friends, so I went along. The movie is based on the memoir of Ron Stallworth, the first African-American detective in the Colorado Springs… More