Putin’s Goals Last month Donald Trump put an exclamation point on what we’ve known for some time. All roads lead to Russia. From the 2016 campaign throughout his presidency to date, Trump has steadfastly placed Russia’s interests over ours. Stunning as it may sound, I believe the Russians expected this result. When Trump was declared… More
Trump Pontificates “. . . if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey. . .” So said Donald Trump, spinning the most unconscionable, reprehensible and heinous decision—among so many such decisions—of his presidency. In the event… More
Trump’s Foreign Policy is Narcissism Driven Chaos
Presidential Doctrines Most Presidents come to office with their own ideas about foreign policy. Some even put them in writing in the form of a doctrine. President James Monroe issued the first Presidential Doctrine in 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of American foreign policy. It warned European powers not to further colonize in… More
Russian Meddling – Don’t Talk About It
Don’t Talk About Russian Meddling Don’t talk about Russian meddling in our elections. That was the essence of the warning Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney gave then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen earlier this year before her meeting with the President. Several news sources reported Mulvaney told her it “wasn’t a great subject… More
Isolationism — Prelude to World Wars
The Policy of Isolationism Isolationism is a policy whereby a country separates itself from treaties, agreements and other international political and economic relations. It does so to utilize its resources and concentrate its efforts to advance its own interests. Isolationists believe that this practice keeps them out of foreign wars. Sadly, history has proven the… More
Nationalism—The Gathering Storm
Nationalism and World War One The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 was the spark that set off WWl. However, historians suggest that Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism (known as MAINS) were the underlying cause. Some might argue that it was principally nationalism that fueled the seeds of conflict. Nationalists… More
Putin’s Puppet Donald Trump
Putin’s Puppet Congratulations Donald Trump on the enormous satisfaction you provided Russian President Vladimir Putin at Monday’s summit in Helsinki. You’ve done something no other President ever did before. You groveled before a tyrant who rules a major adversary of the United States. But I guess that was to be expected. You’ve given new meaning… More