Trump is Making America Worse

“Make America Great Again.” That was the slogan that became the brand associated with Donald Trump in his campaign for the Presidency in 2016. But once he was in charge, America became worse, much worse. Now, in his words, he wants to “Keep America Great.” He doesn’t say great for whom, of course, but certainly… More

Russia is Not Our Friend

Russia the Enemy—Not Friend A friend is an ally, someone who is on your side. But it goes deeper than that. A true friend is one who seeks to promote your happiness and prosperity. An enemy is someone hostile to you; one who works to harm you and your best interests. By any set of… More

Trump—More than an Embarrassment

Actions lead to major security risk Donald Trump isn’t capable of self-reflection and feeling shame, so he isn’t embarrassed by his behavior. But when he was elected President, he became more than an embarrassment to the United States. He has upended global alliances, shown disdain for the environment and actively destroyed gains we’ve made. His… More

National Security—an Emergency?

The National Security Emergency For 35 days the President of the United States forced a shutdown of the Federal Government. He made 800,000 government employees miss two paychecks and federal contractors lose that many days of pay. He created financial hardship for them and the thousands of small businesses that depend upon them for their… More

Trump, Treason and The Manchurian Candidate

Treason Defined in the U.S. Constitution The U.S. Constitution provides a definition of treason. It declares, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them [the U.S.], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Some may contend that certain actions—for example, Russian interference in U.S. elections—are the… More

Isolationism — Prelude to World Wars

The Policy of Isolationism Isolationism is a policy whereby a country separates itself from treaties, agreements and other international political and economic relations. It does so to utilize its resources and concentrate its efforts to advance its own interests. Isolationists believe that this practice keeps them out of foreign wars. Sadly, history has proven the… More

Useful Idiots – Danger Signs Blinking Red

Origination of “Useful Idiots” In a political context, the disparaging term “useful idiots” describes individuals who, wittingly or unwittingly, provide propaganda for a cause not fully understood, and are regarded contemptuously by the leader of that cause. Though never confirmed, many believe the Russian, Vladimir Lenin—a master of propaganda and manipulation, and founder of the… More