6MWE and Other Fine People

What is 6MWE? 6MWE! The first time I became aware of that acronym, and what it meant, was Wednesday, January 6, 2021. A reporter, covering the attempted coup at the Capitol pointed it out on the shirt of a MAGA supporter. 6MWE stands for “6 Million Wasn’t Enough,” a reference to the 6 million Jews… More

Real Americans

The Faux Americans Donald Trump has given hate groups license to unabashedly reveal their hatred of everyone different from them—the Others. White supremacists and their nationalist, Neo-Nazi and alt-right allies have taken advantage of their newfound legitimacy. They publicly and proudly proclaim they are the Real Americans. The rest of us, with our different skin… More

Trump, Lackeys and the White Rose

Republican Lackeys and the White Rose Lackeys are persons who show servile obedience or deference toward someone else without questioning them. Republican Lackeys supporting our crude, racist, uninformed, misogynistic President are creating a precarious situation for the United States. “Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed, without opposition,… More

Donald Trump and the Rise of Populism

Trump’s Brand of Populism Many people have wondered how Donald Trump attracted a hard core of followers despite all that was known about him. There were those who came to his side for strictly ideological reasons. Some were evangelicals who came en masse based on Trump’s promise to appoint conservative judges to overturn Roe v.… More

Hatred – Politicians’ Path to Power

Hatred – the Path to Power In the world of politics there are certain politicians who promote hatred as a path to gain or retain power. Whether it’s directed against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Muslims or Jews, they spew a common message. Their first step is to emphasize that these people are “The Other.” They look… More