6MWE and Other Fine People

What is 6MWE? 6MWE! The first time I became aware of that acronym, and what it meant, was Wednesday, January 6, 2021. A reporter, covering the attempted coup at the Capitol pointed it out on the shirt of a MAGA supporter. 6MWE stands for “6 Million Wasn’t Enough,” a reference to the 6 million Jews… More

Covid 19 Vaccine, Trump Style

Vaccine Development It’s no secret that Donald Trump wished Covid would disappear “like a miracle.” Tragically, he denied the devastating effects of the pandemic and failed to respond with urgency or effectiveness, resulting in the deaths of 350,000 Americans by year’s end. To his credit, he did take up the cause of producing a vaccine,… More

A Clear and Present Danger to the United States

In a feat of masterful reporting, The New York Times exposed the truth about Donald Trump’s business acumen, finances, and fraudulent behavior. Most New Yorkers weren’t surprised to see proof of what they’ve known for a long time: Donald Trump is a charlatan and terrible businessman. Indeed, transcripts of his main federal tax returns from… More

Trump is Making America Worse

“Make America Great Again.” That was the slogan that became the brand associated with Donald Trump in his campaign for the Presidency in 2016. But once he was in charge, America became worse, much worse. Now, in his words, he wants to “Keep America Great.” He doesn’t say great for whom, of course, but certainly… More

Trump, Sycophants, and the End of Democracy

Trump, Sycophants, and Democracy Donald Trump, his sycophants in Congress and the right wing news media are doing all they can to bring democracy to an end in the United States. For much of his Presidency, Trump has advanced his authoritarian and racist policies and practices with the full backing and support of his sycophants.… More

Trump The Pied Piper of Covid-19

The Pied Piper Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of Covid-19. In case you need a refresher, the 13th century legend of the Pied Piper tells the cautionary tale of the townspeople of Hamelin, Germany. Rats had overrun the town, and they hired the Pied Piper to get rid of the rodents. But after the… More

Trump Tributes Trump

The Need for a Rally It wasn’t since the ancient BC— Before Covid—days that Donald Trump had wallowed in the thunderous cheers he craved and knew he deserved. But after thousands of protestors marched together in the streets, he realized the time had come to plan a rally once again. He chose to bathe in… More

The Cult of Trumpism

Emotional or Rational Decision Making Salesmen, admen and con men all understand that their pitch has to appeal to the irrational, emotional part of the buyer. Some twelve years ago, a friend, Russell H. Granger, published The 7 Triggers to Yes, a how-to book for those who must persuade others to achieve success in their work. Backing… More

A Clear and Present Danger

Origin of the Phrase You might think the phrase, “A Clear and Present Danger” is only a movie title.  But it’s not. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr. coined the phrase in a famous opinion on freedom of speech. It defines an exception to First Amendment rights. He concluded that no one has a… More

Trump—Divides Americans, Unifies Enemies

A Dickensian Tale To paraphrase Charles Dickens: It was the most unifying of times, it was the most divisive of times; it was the epoch of unquestioning belief, it was the epoch of perpetual incredulity; it was the spring of blind faith, it was the winter of discerning despair. Donald John Trump, bankrupt real estate… More