Constitutional Freedoms, Restraints and Responsibilities

Many Americans today assert they have a right to choose whether to be vaccinated and/or wear a mask. They claim the Constitution gives them those rights. They are adamant in their belief that any attempt by government at any level to mandate those requirements infringes on their rights. The country has faced threats to its… More

Trump is Making America Worse

“Make America Great Again.” That was the slogan that became the brand associated with Donald Trump in his campaign for the Presidency in 2016. But once he was in charge, America became worse, much worse. Now, in his words, he wants to “Keep America Great.” He doesn’t say great for whom, of course, but certainly… More

Trump’s Racist, Liar and Fraud Campaign

According to the polls, a majority of Americans believe Donald Trump bungled the government’s response to the pandemic, and hold him responsible for many preventable deaths. With the economy and unemployment in depression-like conditions, Trump’s major rationale for re-election has evaporated. Even his usual playbook of belittling, fear mongering and lobbing falsehoods at his opponents… More

Trump The Pied Piper of Covid-19

The Pied Piper Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of Covid-19. In case you need a refresher, the 13th century legend of the Pied Piper tells the cautionary tale of the townspeople of Hamelin, Germany. Rats had overrun the town, and they hired the Pied Piper to get rid of the rodents. But after the… More

Trump Tributes Trump

The Need for a Rally It wasn’t since the ancient BC— Before Covid—days that Donald Trump had wallowed in the thunderous cheers he craved and knew he deserved. But after thousands of protestors marched together in the streets, he realized the time had come to plan a rally once again. He chose to bathe in… More

Death and Trumponomics

From Bankruptcy to the Presidency Donald Trump claims to have brilliant business acumen, but anyone who’s watched his career knows this isn’t borne out by the facts. His father started him out with a nest egg of $400 million—passed on to him in questionable tax-free transactions—and since then, Donald has driven a long string of… More