According to the polls, a majority of Americans believe Donald Trump bungled the government’s response to the pandemic, and hold him responsible for many preventable deaths. With the economy and unemployment in depression-like conditions, Trump’s major rationale for re-election has evaporated. Even his usual playbook of belittling, fear mongering and lobbing falsehoods at his opponents… More
Trump Tributes Trump
The Need for a Rally It wasn’t since the ancient BC— Before Covid—days that Donald Trump had wallowed in the thunderous cheers he craved and knew he deserved. But after thousands of protestors marched together in the streets, he realized the time had come to plan a rally once again. He chose to bathe in… More
Protests and The People’s Response
The U.S., Born Out of Protest Protests have played a significant role throughout U.S. history. Indeed, the United States was born out of protest. What we now call the Revolutionary War was, in fact, a protest by American colonists opposed to the policies of the Kingdom of Great Britain. The seeds for this war were… More
Trump Hunkers in the Bunker
The Death of One Man Despite the bungled response to the Covid-19 pandemic that contributed to an unjustifiable death toll, Donald Trump and his sycophants took a victory lap, declaring it was a job well done. To them, the horrific loss of life that could have been mitigated isn’t as vitally important as the stock… More
Real Americans
The Faux Americans Donald Trump has given hate groups license to unabashedly reveal their hatred of everyone different from them—the Others. White supremacists and their nationalist, Neo-Nazi and alt-right allies have taken advantage of their newfound legitimacy. They publicly and proudly proclaim they are the Real Americans. The rest of us, with our different skin… More
I love our country. Do you?
The Criminal in the White House I love our country but something terrible is happening here. And it’s hard for me to believe we, the majority of Americans, like it. No matter our political leanings, we did not vote to put a criminal in the White House, nor do we now approve of the one… More
D-Day June 6, 1944 – 75 Years Later
World War ll – The Western Front It is June 1944. The United States is in its third year as a combatant in the Second World War. Nazi Germany controls much of Continental Europe. For three years the Soviet Union has been engaged in a violent battle with Germany in the east. It is pressing… More
Hatred – Politicians’ Path to Power
Hatred – the Path to Power In the world of politics there are certain politicians who promote hatred as a path to gain or retain power. Whether it’s directed against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Muslims or Jews, they spew a common message. Their first step is to emphasize that these people are “The Other.” They look… More