Vaccine Development It’s no secret that Donald Trump wished Covid would disappear “like a miracle.” Tragically, he denied the devastating effects of the pandemic and failed to respond with urgency or effectiveness, resulting in the deaths of 350,000 Americans by year’s end. To his credit, he did take up the cause of producing a vaccine,… More
Trump’s Mad Maskless Covid Deniers
There’s a price to be paid for living in Trump’s orbit; objective truth has to be disregarded. You have to be willing to blindly accept the lies he tells many times a day, usually by Twitter, which are reinforced by media outlets and social media accounts that support him. Of the tens of thousands of… More
Trump The Pied Piper of Covid-19
The Pied Piper Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of Covid-19. In case you need a refresher, the 13th century legend of the Pied Piper tells the cautionary tale of the townspeople of Hamelin, Germany. Rats had overrun the town, and they hired the Pied Piper to get rid of the rodents. But after the… More
Death and Trumponomics
From Bankruptcy to the Presidency Donald Trump claims to have brilliant business acumen, but anyone who’s watched his career knows this isn’t borne out by the facts. His father started him out with a nest egg of $400 million—passed on to him in questionable tax-free transactions—and since then, Donald has driven a long string of… More
No Wizard, No Brain, No Heart and No Courage
The Wizard of Oz Many people have compared Donald Trump to the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz. Both are self-promoting, grandiose charlatans, who present themselves as saviors when, in fact, they are just chubby weak men hiding behind a facade. If I were in the film business, I think a retelling starring Donald Trump… More
The Incompetent Narcissist
Narcissism After three plus years of listening to and watching Donald Trump, I know I’m not alone in concluding he’s an incompetent narcissist. It wasn’t so long ago that the word “narcissist” was used primarily by professionals like psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. But in the time of Trump, it’s a word that gets bandied about, and… More