The Worst Autocrats of the 20th Century An autocracy is a system of government controlled by one person with absolute power. Our founding fathers designed a unique form of democratic government with built-in safeguards that significantly distinguishes it from an autocracy. For example, countries with democratic governments are less likely to preemptively make war, but… More
Escalating Deficits and Debt
A Growing Cancer in Fiscal Policy With the furor surrounding Trump’s impeachment trial, and the growing national security risks caused by his dangerous forays into foreign policy, most people aren’t thinking about the deficit and national debt. But make no mistake. Like a silent but rapidly progressive cancer, the unprecedented, uncontrolled escalating deficit and debt… More
Trump—Divides Americans, Unifies Enemies
A Dickensian Tale To paraphrase Charles Dickens: It was the most unifying of times, it was the most divisive of times; it was the epoch of unquestioning belief, it was the epoch of perpetual incredulity; it was the spring of blind faith, it was the winter of discerning despair. Donald John Trump, bankrupt real estate… More
Racism White supremacists are people who cling to the unfounded, self-admiring belief that being white makes them superior to every other human being. And that logic leads them to conclude they should have power over everyone else, their inferiors. All white supremacists are, by definition, racists. Being white-skinned has become membership in the white… More
Russia’s Useful Idiots
Origin of the Term Useful Idiots Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was a master of propaganda and manipulation. To spread communism worldwide, Lenin recognized the need to transparently support socialist movements in foreign countries, but clandestinely subvert their governments. He found he could exploit individuals who, wittingly or unwittingly… More
All Roads Lead to Russia
Putin’s Goals Last month Donald Trump put an exclamation point on what we’ve known for some time. All roads lead to Russia. From the 2016 campaign throughout his presidency to date, Trump has steadfastly placed Russia’s interests over ours. Stunning as it may sound, I believe the Russians expected this result. When Trump was declared… More
Trump Pontificates “. . . if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey. . .” So said Donald Trump, spinning the most unconscionable, reprehensible and heinous decision—among so many such decisions—of his presidency. In the event… More
Trump—More than an Embarrassment
Actions lead to major security risk Donald Trump isn’t capable of self-reflection and feeling shame, so he isn’t embarrassed by his behavior. But when he was elected President, he became more than an embarrassment to the United States. He has upended global alliances, shown disdain for the environment and actively destroyed gains we’ve made. His… More
Trump, Lackeys and the White Rose
Republican Lackeys and the White Rose Lackeys are persons who show servile obedience or deference toward someone else without questioning them. Republican Lackeys supporting our crude, racist, uninformed, misogynistic President are creating a precarious situation for the United States. “Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed, without opposition,… More
Trump’s Foreign Policy is Narcissism Driven Chaos
Presidential Doctrines Most Presidents come to office with their own ideas about foreign policy. Some even put them in writing in the form of a doctrine. President James Monroe issued the first Presidential Doctrine in 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of American foreign policy. It warned European powers not to further colonize in… More