Presidential Doctrines Most Presidents come to office with their own ideas about foreign policy. Some even put them in writing in the form of a doctrine. President James Monroe issued the first Presidential Doctrine in 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of American foreign policy. It warned European powers not to further colonize in… More
Trump, Treason and The Manchurian Candidate
Treason Defined in the U.S. Constitution The U.S. Constitution provides a definition of treason. It declares, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them [the U.S.], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Some may contend that certain actions—for example, Russian interference in U.S. elections—are the… More
Putin’s Puppet Donald Trump
Putin’s Puppet Congratulations Donald Trump on the enormous satisfaction you provided Russian President Vladimir Putin at Monday’s summit in Helsinki. You’ve done something no other President ever did before. You groveled before a tyrant who rules a major adversary of the United States. But I guess that was to be expected. You’ve given new meaning… More