The Wizard of Oz Many people have compared Donald Trump to the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz. Both are self-promoting, grandiose charlatans, who present themselves as saviors when, in fact, they are just chubby weak men hiding behind a facade. If I were in the film business, I think a retelling starring Donald Trump… More
The Incompetent Narcissist
Narcissism After three plus years of listening to and watching Donald Trump, I know I’m not alone in concluding he’s an incompetent narcissist. It wasn’t so long ago that the word “narcissist” was used primarily by professionals like psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. But in the time of Trump, it’s a word that gets bandied about, and… More
Bernie, It’s Time to Withdraw
A majority of Democrats, independents and appalled Republicans agree Joe biden is best suited to defeat Donald Trump; Bernis Sanders
A Clear and Present Danger
Origin of the Phrase You might think the phrase, “A Clear and Present Danger” is only a movie title. But it’s not. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr. coined the phrase in a famous opinion on freedom of speech. It defines an exception to First Amendment rights. He concluded that no one has a… More
The Dangerous Rise of Autocracy
The Worst Autocrats of the 20th Century An autocracy is a system of government controlled by one person with absolute power. Our founding fathers designed a unique form of democratic government with built-in safeguards that significantly distinguishes it from an autocracy. For example, countries with democratic governments are less likely to preemptively make war, but… More
Escalating Deficits and Debt
A Growing Cancer in Fiscal Policy With the furor surrounding Trump’s impeachment trial, and the growing national security risks caused by his dangerous forays into foreign policy, most people aren’t thinking about the deficit and national debt. But make no mistake. Like a silent but rapidly progressive cancer, the unprecedented, uncontrolled escalating deficit and debt… More
Russia is Not Our Friend
Russia the Enemy—Not Friend A friend is an ally, someone who is on your side. But it goes deeper than that. A true friend is one who seeks to promote your happiness and prosperity. An enemy is someone hostile to you; one who works to harm you and your best interests. By any set of… More
Real Americans
The Faux Americans Donald Trump has given hate groups license to unabashedly reveal their hatred of everyone different from them—the Others. White supremacists and their nationalist, Neo-Nazi and alt-right allies have taken advantage of their newfound legitimacy. They publicly and proudly proclaim they are the Real Americans. The rest of us, with our different skin… More
I love our country. Do you?
The Criminal in the White House I love our country but something terrible is happening here. And it’s hard for me to believe we, the majority of Americans, like it. No matter our political leanings, we did not vote to put a criminal in the White House, nor do we now approve of the one… More
Trump, Lackeys and the White Rose
Republican Lackeys and the White Rose Lackeys are persons who show servile obedience or deference toward someone else without questioning them. Republican Lackeys supporting our crude, racist, uninformed, misogynistic President are creating a precarious situation for the United States. “Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed, without opposition,… More